Paid VPN versus free VPN, which is the best option?
The use of a VPN has been recommended times and times again as the best means of accessing the Internet as there is an assurance of privacy and security of your information. The recent consistent breaches in data make it even more important to ensure that your data is highly secure and cannot be compromised.
According to, there seems to be no network that cannot be breached any longer. Before this time, the focus of VPN use has always been on insecure connections. However, in recent times, even our seemingly trusted connections are prone to these breaches and government surveillance also. Hence, VPN is a round option. As such, the search for the best VPN to use becomes a priority.
There are a lot of VPN options available for use, both paid and unpaid. One question most people ask from available internet services reviews is “if there are free VPNs, why else do I need to pay for them?” Free seems like the most convenient, right?
There is no fixed response for this, however, let’s dive in to see the various features of a VPN and how it works with the free and paid version.
Services provided
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